Sungres is a multifunctional tool that provides a large amount of data about the sun and solar activity. With the help of this tool, you can get accurate data on the position of the sun in the sky, calculate the optimal angles of solar panels, get data on solar flares, geomagnetic storms, and other data.

App features
Determining the exact location of the user.
The compass will help you easily navigate in space and find the necessary direction.
Track the sun's movement anywhere with a map that has a built-in compass.
Determination of the smartphone's position in space.
Optimal angles
Calculations of optimal angles for installing solar panels.
A set of videos from a geosynchronous orbit to observe the Sun.
Solar eclipse
Schedule of solar eclipses with additional data.
Solar flares
Dataset on energy emissions in the Sun's atmosphere.
Geomagnetic activity
Data on Kp-index, geomagnetic storms and forecasting.
A diverse set of charts.